Some Bri*ish Asshat made a movie about an American civil war to be released during an election year. I’m sure this won’t embolden the chuds at all. Everywhere online I see people say that it’s a poorly timed release I see some smug E*ropean talking about “sensitive Americans”. It’s not like film has been used to inspire reactionaries to commit political violence since it has existed or anything. Birth of a Nation? Never heard of it.
I 100% guarantee you that Alex Garland is not making a reactionary movie. His last film was Men.
Yeah. The trailer looked like a hard core horrors of war thing and also showing Americans the horror the inflict on everyone else.
like apparently Texas allies with California. I didn’t know what to make of that but now that I know a euro made it it makes far more sense. It’s like that joke in Eurotrip where they’re like “And that’s why France and Germany have always been allies”.
this movie will be lib as hell but of course that won’t stop the chuds from glorifying the chud villains
I don’t think they’re gonna start a civil war because of a Hollywood movie about a civil war though. but they might start a war if they put a trans person in the next Top Gun