More scientific evidence has surfaced to show that while mittens may be your sweet angel, letting her roam outside is also a big threat to biodiversity.

    10 months ago

    Not every cat is the same. I currently own two murder machines. Any pest in the house is a dead pest. If one doesn’t get it, the other one will.

    Our third cat can’t catch his own breath. He wheezes just rolling over.

    While all three are indoor only, I have allowed others to go outside and they proved to be completely ineffectual hunters.

    One really wanted to catch crows. I mean really, it was like she could taste it. She would also start stalking them from 50 feet away and the crows would just look at her like “Are you serious right now?” She never did get remotely close to catching anything. Probably for the best, the crows would have kicked her ass.

    Her littermate was convinced dead leaves on the ground were helpless animals. I think fluttering in the wind and the tail like stems. He’d do the chatter talk at them and then bring them in the house and deposit them in the living room. “I killed it!” Yes, good boy.