Are there sites you check on a regular basis? What are your browsing habits?
This blog, it gets an update a few times per year. But the content is great! I really can’t overstate how great the posts are.
(Overview of all posts on )
Incredible simulations. Thanks :)
Holy fuck this blog is amazing looking and technical.
Excellent answer! That blog is heroic! Always a treat when you encounter a new one!
I sadly don’t have a list of these anymore, so I’ll be watching this thread for ideas! I’m ready to go back to the way I used to browse the web.
Greg Alder’s Yard Posts is a guy who posts every Friday about growing food in southern California. His climate is pretty similar to mine and his advice was a huge help when I was figuring out the timing for growing a garden. He’s also super knowledgeable when it comes to growing avocados, if that’s your thing. Cory Doctorow writes really interesting posts about tech and privacy.
I wish I could upvote twoce
I’m trying to go old-school like this guy:
Art blog that never disappoints:
Gadgets, cool stuff and videos:
Collections of images, books, interviews, all kinds of very interesting topics:
One that I’ve been enjoying is a blog by Nick Dvoracek who is a photographer and avid pinhole camera maker:
I’ve made a few cameras using his designs!