• Just a city boy@mujico.org
      9 months ago

      I cannot conceive in my mind how can someone have such a lack of life to go to the most random obscure niche foreign forums looking for something to removed about and brigade the fuck out of it. Btw we are not racist, in Mexican (and other Latin American) cultures we do not give a fuck about political correctness, to be honest only the Anglosphere gives a fuck about this whole nigga/removed thing, because only you fuckers are insane enough and capable of wasting time coming out with random gibberish to degrade a whole race of people, and almost 300 years later say it’s just a prank bro and backpedal, chastising us from your high horse like you did not take all the South West states from us like a bully because we would not let shite like slavery fly, and now Black people are the ones to be proud of calling each other nigga so much that you export that culture to other countries like mine and now you have people like me who learned English by listening to Snoop Dogg and 50 Cent’s music and playing GTA San Andreas, SO EXCUUUUUSE ME PRINCESS if I am racist for saying a word you KKKracky McWonderbread are too much a pussy to say.