I have been reading this book “Modern Javascript for the Impatient”, chapter “Object-Oriented Programming”. At the end there is an “Exercise” section. This is a question from it I need help answering:

Harry tries this code to toggle a CSS class when a button is clicked:

const button = document.getElementById('button1')
button.addEventListener('click', function () {

It doesn’t work. Why?

Sally, after searching the wisdom of the Internet, suggests:

button.addEventListener('click', event => {

This works, but Harry feels it is cheating a bit. What if the listener hadn’t produced the button as event.target? Fix the code so that you use neither this nor the event parameter.

  • 2br02bOP
    3 years ago

    Maybe the clue is in this question:

    This works, but Harry feels it is cheating a bit.

    What if the listener hadn’t produced the button as event.target?

    Is there a situation where listener wouldn’t produce the button as event.target? How is this cheating?