Harping on people to get married from up in the ivory tower fails to engage with reality of life in the dating trenches.

  • Coreidan@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Yikes. You have deep issues.

    The thing is no one is arguing that men don’t suck. Plenty of men out there are garbage.

    What you’re glossing over is the fact that women have lots of issues as well. There is no shortage of psycho women with deep issues.

    Go talk to a “good” man and get their perspective on dating. You’ll get a different picture and you’ll see women are chock full of their own issues. It’s just a different flavor.

    The problem is you’ll never do that because you hate men and have no interest in a genuine conversation. Instead it’s all “woe is me, all men suck”.

    If you can’t find a good man, it’s not that they don’t exist, but rather you don’t attract them. Maybe work on your attitude and you won’t come off as toxic with tons of baggage and maybe then they will give you a shot.

    • AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      I like to think that I am a good man, and I know my girlfriend is a good woman.

      I know that I wasn’t really ready for the seriousness of relationship some of my ex’s wanted with me and I had to grow up, but I also remember frustrations with some of them not being mature and self reliant enough to be a reliable partner.

      I am very fortunate to be on good terms and friendly with many of my previous partners, and I’m lucky to have been in love several times in my life. I know I am a better person because of the love I have shared and that which has been shared with me.

      I’ve seen shitty groups of women do things I thought only happened in strawman arguments, like protest a college club of minority men sharing legal and social resources relevant to their community because ‘mens rights is anti feminist’ or other nonsense. I have also seen men joke about vaginal credit card and removed about their own odious unfuckablity in the same breath.

      People can be shitty, that doesn’t mean you need to make assumptions about them. If you give most people a chance, they will tell you who they are.

      • Coreidan@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        The TLDR is that not every one sucks and some times you need to give people a chance.

        No disagreement there, but I am not seeing how this aligns with the discussion we are having.

        At the end of the day not everyone sucks. Putting all of the blame on one sex is disingenuous. Both men and women can be fucked up. There are plenty of good men struggling to find good women. There are plenty of good women struggling to find good men. The world is chock full of assholes for both sexes.

        It works both ways but you’re only looking in one direction. Based on everything you said in your last post it sounds a lot like you agree with me, you just don’t want to admit it.