Sorry in advance for the depressing thread, but I don’t have anyone in my life with trans experiences and I need advice on what I’m feeling.

As much as we might wish we could waking up one morning with the body of a gorgeous k-pop idol or something, the fact is reality doesn’t work that way. And this kind of thing is what I’m struggling with the most, the fact that I’m always going to struggle with body hair and masculine features.

I was on HRT for one month, and still have the relevant medications in my bathroom, but stopped. Partially due to lack of support, but mostly due to self-doubt and lack of confidence that I’ll ever be happy with how I look. I just couldn’t see the woman inside coming out.

I kept asking myself: what would be worse? Constantly wishing I could successfully transition, or transitioning and having to live with never being able to pass? This became additionally concerning with the uptick in abuse against trans people.

Part of me feels guilty for stopping and falling back on the safe suffering I already know, and a part of me feels guilty for giving up, part of me is scared of all the new things I’ll have to learn if I re-start, and another part of me is concerned about how my partner would feel if I started again, I know she doesn’t approve but doesn’t want to say so.

For those of you who are/were larger, or taller, or older, or more hairy, how did you manage these concerns? For those of you without resources in your life to aid your transition, how did you get support?

Thank you for reading.

  • Lumelore (She/her)
    11 months ago

    I had those doubts too for a short while but then one day I woke up and saw her. I’m tall, although not hairy, and it used to bother me, until I realized that there are plenty of cis women who are also tall. There was a woman who used to come into where I worked and she was like 7 feet tall.

    I don’t know what it is like to not have anyone who is supportive but I can imagine that it is very difficult. In my opinion, you should focus on what is going to make you happy. I think that starting back up on HRT would make you happy, or else you wouldn’t feel the way you do for stopping, and clearly you care or else you wouldn’t have made a post here. I think you should have a serious talk with your partner about it though. If they are unsupportive like you think, then you should probably separate. Your life is yours and you should live it for yourself and not anyone else.

    Something that has helped me is this quote I heard Eric Andre say, “The people who mind don’t matter, and the people who matter don’t mind.” That singular quote has given me so much confidence in my life since I first heard it and I think it could be very useful to you as well