The vulnerability of the victim, a senior who is described as “of very small stature” was also considered aggravating. The judge noted that although Beresford was using a scooter, there was no evidence that he needed to do so because of a disability and that he was younger, bigger and stronger than the victim.

  • Skies5394
    11 months ago

    With priors he only paid fines for, he’s a “freeman of the land”, the judge thought he only pled guilt as part of the script and not because of remorse, when he committed the assault he was in a scooter he didn’t need, he still believes that his rights were infringed by the requirement of a mask.

    After all that 6 months is to make an example of him.

    Fuck, do criminals ever get kid gloves in this country.

    Assaulting an elderly person just doing their job, causing bodily harm, showing no remorse and thinking laws don’t apply to them, while admitting all that in court? 5 years to think about it at least if you’re trying to make an example.

    You just told all these other morons they get a time out for doing whatever they want.