For me it is writting docker compose files describing my services. I like to test them on my machine before pushing them to the server(s). But I guess that’s my own fault for not using something like portainer or even SSHFS.
What’s the most annoying / painful step for you?
You absolutely can mount different files from different servers simultaneously in vscode. I do it all the time with the SSHFS plugin. You just set the server, login, and path, then you can the remote folder to any workspace, and you can mount multiple different folders simultaneously. Right now I have a workspace which has mounted folders from 3 different servers for my Grafana/Prometheus/Influx DB setup
It’s not in vscode then, it is on the filesystem if I understand correctly. Then even notepad can handle that.
sshfs causes weird permission issues for every server I use and cannot save files, so that’s not an option.