I’m curious as to what your paths are. I’m a Heathen personally. I’ve always seen Thor as a god of the working people, he wields strength that represents the power we all hold together. Freyja has guided me towards feminine liberation as well, and there’s much more to it than I’ll write out.

I also syncretize a bit. I’ve always felt connected to Lilith and I’m thinking I’ll worship her the way I’ve worshipped my Heathen deities.

Before all of this I was raised Christian, as soon as I left the faith I went to asatru for a bit, I believed but didn’t really practice in any meaningful way. Then I faded into atheism for a few years and came back to this path a few months ago.

Where’s everyone else falling? What’s your journey?

Hope you are all doing well, and thanks.

  • تحريرها كلها ممكن
    3 years ago

    At its core my path is reconstructed Arabian paganism of North Arabian Bedouins. But the ancients did syncretize, they did worship gods from other cultures and so I do syncretize. I worship Isis, Ishtar, Aphrodite, Atargatis, … those goddesses were syncretized

    Interesting passage from The Pantheon of Palmyra:

    “Atargatis at Hierapolis was not only Aphrodite or Athena but Selene, Rhea, Artemis, Nemesis, and the Parcae (De dea syria 32; see Pagan God, pp. 35-37). These traditions coalesced with those of Canaanite extraction that preserved the cult of Athirat, mother of gods. At times a careful distinction should be made between Atargatis and Astarte because the goddess of Hierapolis did not fully personify Venus as Astarte/ Allat did for Phoenicians, Aramaeans, and Arabs.”