Why wouldn’t you instead just run it in Duckstation where you can bump up the resolution, fix wobbly polygons, etc (???)
What sort of freak wants to besmirch their eyes with blurry original PS1 graphics? I lived through the PS1 era and you couldn’t make me go back after decades of playing the games emulated
I mean arguably the wobbly polygons are important to emulating Playstation graphics. Not using floats gives the PS1 an extremely unique 3d.
But the MGS collection is still disappointing as fuck. I have no idea how Konami manages to give so little fucks about one of their biggest franchises.
Especially when they already had pretty good results and I’m assuming profits from doing this on the PS3/360/Vita collection.
I mean my ass bought it for the Vita as a kid, so we know at least 2 people bought the Vita version
because they only care about money and consumers aren’t discerning.
It isn’t gambling so they don’t give a fuck
I swear half of this bullshit trend of companies rereleasing barely altered old games in a collection is just some copyright scheme to fuck with the emulation scene
“People emulate because thats the only way we can own half of these old games anymore.”
“Ah yes but I released it agan on modern systems not long ago so emulating it is still super illegal.”
“Oh, ok, I’ll pay for it- wait you’re charging $50 for a butchered version of a 30 year old game?”
What happened to the days where ports were like a couple bucks each?
If people can easily do something for free, you shouldn’t be charging more than like a buck for it if it’s older then 5 years IMO.
sounds like you’re after the remaster edition
I don’t need remastering, I just want high resolution
I hate this trend of rebooting a game in the middle of the franchise just because it’s iconic and reap nostalgia bucks. And even then, MGS1 is plenty nostalgic and iconic, so they could’ve just remade that properly instead of starting with 3
That sucks honestly but I’m going to buy it just to play again anyway.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad to get the HD Collection versions of MGS2 and 3 on PC. Emulation is great, but a native solution is always preferrable.
It’s just a shame emulation is still the superior way to play the first game.
Oh, you were talking about it for PC? I assumed PS4, which is what I would buy it for, my bad.
In that case, yeah, might as well run a better emulator.
Yeah, but even more recent retro game collections from the 8-16bit eras often allow for different kinds of texture and scanline filters, pillarboxing, fullscreen, etc.