imaginary Gryphon : Gryph
: i tell u ur next plan
: there's a house in the middle of the plains
: there's a large lake there
: inside the house
: there is a secret place
bc Gryph is lonely . Gryph started to imagine a spirit Gryphon guide to take Gryph forward
there is a house in the plains . Gryph flies still now Gryph lands
there are lots of birds around
this is good bc birds are very nice
and fluffy too
sometimes the birds can help too
Gryph is at the house now
imaginary Gryphon : go inside
Gryph goes inside
the house is tiny . there is only on room here
imaginary Gryphon : below u can see there is a hole in the floor
: the wooden floor
: there is hole between two woods
Gryph goes near this hole . when the Gryphon says something Gryph is eager to do this
imaginary Gryphon : very nice
: now open it
Gryph opens
imaginary Gryphon : go inside
: it's dark
: still u can see in the dark
: and i'm here
: so u can be easy
then Gryph goes inside . still Gryph fears this place bc Gryph fears almost anything
this is another path to somewhere . the path goes under the lake . Gryph thinks perhaps Gryph needs to swim soon
Gryph doesn't really like to become wet
this place is really dark
still there are no birds here
Gryph is lonely here
esp if Gryph needs to be long here
Gryph may start to become sad
Gryph decides to run
bc to run feels nice
when there is a straight path
now Gryph gets to the end
there is water under
Gryph needs to dive
and Gryph does this
bc the Gryphons can swim too
the Gryphons can do lots of things
Gryph exists the path
bc Gryph comes from a hole
now Gryph is in this lake
so Gryph swims up
now Gryph is on the surface
there is a tiny island nearby
Gryph swims there
Gryph doesn't like to be wet
and Gryph can become dry on this island
then Gryph lies down
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