The article doesn’t specifically state it, but it does appear to indicate that the relationship is correlative and not due to direct causation. This makes sense and shouldn’t be surprising.
The finding aligns with all the science reviewed for the book How Not To Die. For details, see the summary video by the same doctor.
This is a highly suspect conclusion, and is discredited by the lack of control for variables and comprehensive nutrient/lifestyle analysis in this study, and by study I mean the analysis of undefined questionnaires some people filled out over a period of three decades.
Not really, a lot of other science already pointed in the same direction.
The same hemisphere maybe, but not really the same direction.
That video rhetorically asks whether plant-based diets are healthier for type 2 diabetes than literally the unhealthiest meat-based diets in an unhealthy country. Their groundbreaking conclusion is yes.
Not really the same as saying that by virtue of questionnaires, without any qualifiers or controlled data, that eating two servings of red meat raises your risk of type 2 diabetes by 62%.
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That is not science unless you stretch the definition until it screams
Oh, what are your problems with the methodology of the study?
The same as the other objections already made.
Uh huh.
Which are, in your top level comment?
That’s typical sugar industry propaganda.
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Okinawans should be all dead in infancy, but somehow they are the longest living and healthiest people out there.
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It doesn’t link to the study. At least two relevant-seeming links, both link to the same page you’re already on. Wut.
I’m here for a good time, not a long time
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Animal suffering is just too funny.
Buy local.
As long as the suffering happens within a 50 mile radius, it doesn’t technically count.
No. You buy from a local farm. Does killing an animal mean its suffering? Letting it live its life grass fed and not crammed into a cage. Sorry to break it to you but most people eat meat. Dont buy from a corporate meat producer. Its not hard logic to wrap your head around.
“Don’t eat meat” is even easier logic to wrap your head around.
Ah a soap box vegetarian. I figured that were the case.
It can be
So have at least 3 servings then?
Jokes on them. I already have diabetes.
Let’s see this same study done with energy drinks 👀
What do energy drinks even contain that is harmful to you? Beyond just caffeine and sugar?
Taurine is an amino acid that exists basically everywhere and throughout our entire bodies. It is not harmful to consume. Many other foods have high quantities of taurine naturally.
How about in. combination to other ingredients? For example in combination with caffeine. There’s one study, ‘ENERGY DRINKS: WHY THE COMBINATION OF TAURINE AND CAFFEINE CAN BE BAD FOR THE HEART’, but I am not sure if it’s scientific enough.
Probably not statistically significant at all…
So I should eat 1.9 servings?
Yea, but… bacon.
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Someone better tell the USDA that then:
Is bacon “red” meat? “Bacon” can only be made from pork bellies, which are red meat by definition. Pork is classified as “livestock,” and all livestock are considered “red meat.” Bacon can also be made from other species of livestock (e.g., beef) and poultry (e.g., turkey). These types of bacon products require a descriptive name such as, “Beef Bacon-Cured and Smoked Beef Plate” and “Turkey Bacon-Cured Turkey Thigh Meat.”
Interesting. In common parlance, people typically call all pork white meat.
The confusion has more to do with the VERY successful National Pork Board slogan of “Pork. The Other White Meat” than actual science.
Good breakdown here:
Don’t eat meat peasants, eat bugs, don’t question authority, accept mass surveillance, be addicted to social media.