Hi friends,

I have been trying to sort this out for many days now, and I am stuck on what is most likely a small issue I am overlooking. I have read many guides and previous posts on this, but I still haven’t figured it out. I will explain what I have done and hopefully someone can spot the error. Scroll all the way down to read all details.

  • I have my FQDN on Cloudflare. I set its DNS entries, as you can see below, to point to my PUBLIC IP where my stuff is hosted.


  • Next, I went into Nginx Proxy Manager and clicked add certificate. I got the API token from Cloudflare site and filled it in as you can see below. The certificates are successfully granted.


  • Next, I added a reverse proxy entry in Nginx. I want this entry to point to my NAS homepage, so I set it, as you can see below. I also applied and forced SSL that was issued.



Now, I would expect after this step that I could just go into my browser and type the FQDN, and it will route me to the LAN IP I set the proxy entry to, but it’s not working. Keeps taking me to a “this page cannot be found” .

What am I missing here?
Are any of the steps above unncessary?
The guide I originally followed is this one right here

Important notes:
- I have port 443 forwarded in my router to my NAS IP.
- I have adguard home with Unbound setup in my network on a separate Raspberry Pi.
- I use tailscale on all my devices.
- My home router and my NAS are both firewalled.
- My self-hosted containers are all in docker on my Synology NAS (minus adguard)

  • krolden
    11 months ago

    If I reply will this post to reddit?