Math is literally made up. There is no physical basis for math. Math is just another language used to describe things. The universe doesn’t care whether there’s “2 particles” or “1 particle and another particle” or “1 particle + 1 particle”. It doesn’t make these distinctions. Math only exists as long as there is an intelligent species which uses it. If there are no intelligent brains capable of using math and with a knowledge that it exists, math stops existing.
Mathematics is the only branch of science that will continue long after the universe ends.:-)
Pretty sure that when humanity dies, math dies with it, and the universe won’t give two fucks about it and continue on it’s merry way.
Think e meant in the sense that math is true regardless of the universe (or some people believe)
Math is literally made up. There is no physical basis for math. Math is just another language used to describe things. The universe doesn’t care whether there’s “2 particles” or “1 particle and another particle” or “1 particle + 1 particle”. It doesn’t make these distinctions. Math only exists as long as there is an intelligent species which uses it. If there are no intelligent brains capable of using math and with a knowledge that it exists, math stops existing.
I like the extended version, though I’m almost certain I saw an even more expanded version somewhere, though I haven’t been able to find it again.
That’s tough to swallow. Philosophy almost belongs at both ends.
How in the world did you manage to make that image so small
They probably copied the url for a thumbnail by mistake.
Extended version 1 (legible):
Arranged by complexity:
Extendend version 2:
Found via reverse image search:
Extended version 3: an actuarial analyst preparing for another exam connecting the math with the money.