The image was taken from this The Guardian article where there is no content warning.
I posted it 2 or 3 weeks ago. It had more than 1000 upvotes. Now I checked the modlog and accidently found out that an admin of deleted the post because it was not set as nsfw. I did not get notified or asked to modify the post.
So all nipples are treated equally now? I would have prefered to free the nipples.
Stop the body shaming!
I’d flag it for not being a meme, personally
Edit: to the children downvoting me for expressing my opinion: pleaze, stop leaning on others to tell you what to think. My opinion should mean just about nothing to you, and your feelings shouldn’t be hurt that I don’t share your opinions. Grow the fuck up and have some semblance of self.
Lol. Downvoted. 👍
Thanks kid, proud of your capabilities. Someday Maybe you’ll even have an original thought!
Complaining about people voicing their opinions when it doesn’t align with yours and accusing them of herd mentality is some pretty basic shit. “Oh no everyone dislikes what I said, they must be hopping on the bandwagon!”
It’s a very juvenile defense mechanism and it shows a very strong lack of insight when you then complain about it online. Because that kind of whinging rarely gets positive sentiments. But sure, call everyone who disagrees with you a “kid”. Cosplay as a boomer online by talking down to people and assuming they are younger than you. That’ll show 'em.
Can we get an edit edit for those downvoting you for your edit?
Haha touché
I’d get that, although there are other posts like this here. Where would you post it?
There’s other posts like this here because it is a meme and can be considered funny, you’ll also notice that in every comment section there’ll be a thread of someone saying that it isn’t a meme.
“This isn’t a meme” is a meme
deleted by creator
I wouldn’t post it, personally, so I can’t say? This has been floating around the internet in different forms for decades. It’s not bringing awareness to the issue at all, in my personal opinion.
With that being said, I’d like to point out I have no issues with you posting it here. My opinions are mine, and even though I’ve shared them, it’s not an indication that you should be me. That would be silly and also impossible. And I prefer to stay unique.
Meme however you like, and take no offense to my opinions please.
This comment is a meme
At least something around here is
so you think this is just a place to re-post things that are already memes?
Your comment makes no fucking sense