The purpose of this thread is to document crimes and atrocities conducted by Israel in Palestine.
Ground Rules:
- Only post verified reports with proof.
There have been multiple instances of fake news being mixed up with real news which undermines real crimes.
- Proper backup of the data should be ensured
Western controlled media and social media will definitely wipe evidence. For this reason, it’s necessary to preserve everything on a safe host. For news articles or twitter threads, use the web archive.
Please feel free to mention any other safe / immutable places to store information and I’ll add them here.
- Proper formatting should be a priority
This is a serious effort thread so please treat it as such.
Whenever posting something, include the source, context,what happened and evidence.
Top Level comments should preferably only be what the post is for. I ask you to give your opinions either in the news mega or in the sub comments.
- CW any link to proof that shows pictures of dead or badly wounded people.
ICJ report on the conflict :
Israel cut off food, water, and fuel supplies from Gaza. This is a war crime under the Geneva Convention as it is collective punishment of civilians.
Gaza also has no way to treat water for all the population inside its own borders, and has little access to fresh water. Of the fresh water that is available, the vast majority is toxic. As the flow of building materials into Gaza is restricted by the Israeli state, Gaza has not been able to build the necessary infrastructure to survive having their supplies cut off. The UN has built 3 water desalination plants in Gaza, but the water they supply is not sufficient for all of Gaza. Furthermore, because electricity and fuel have been cut off, even the 3 water desalination plants built in Gaza won’t help if they cannot be powered.
Israel cuts off food, water, and fuel supplies from Gaza, PBS,
archive link
UNICEF seawater desalination plant helps head off Gaza water crisis, UNICEF,
archive link