Dgar Dgar @dgar@aus. social:
The adjective for metal is metallic.
Not so for iron, which is ironic.
Adjective for iron is ferric
Save a google search or two
I’d generally use “ferrous”. I think both are correct interchangeably outside of chemistry.
I think you might be referring to Abe Froman, the Sausage King of Chicago. He prefers to be addressed as Mr. Froman.
Wow, bravo good sir. Well done!
I prefer iron-y.
The song Ironic contains a list of many things, none of which are ironic, making the song extremely ironic.
It’s not ironic. It’s just coincidental.
Now fork over those ladyfingers, cookie.
And iron man is not female.
Dammit, I was just going to post exactly the same thing
do you pronounce it “Eye-yern” or “Eye-run”?
Yes, I’m from the middle of nowhere.
It’s so funny that people from Baltimore have approximately the same issue with that sentence as a shoeless hillbilly from Texas. I like those guys.
now that’s some eye-urny
I, Ron.
This post is ferrousey!