The kind that thinks communism is the same as nazism and thinks communism is when the government does things.

I hate liberal brain worms.

They seriously do as much damage to the left as fascists by punching to the left and spreading capitalist anti-left propaganda. They overall weaken leftism and help fascism.

We need more left unity, folks. Fash ain’t gonna bash themselves. left-unity-4

    1 year ago

    anarchism has its own history with its own principles and theoretical foundation embedded in either a historically utopian or marxian conception of capitalism

    This is what I’m talking about. You don’t get to say what “trve anarchism” is because you don’t actually know it. Anarchism has nothing to do with Marxism, not even ancoms. They’re entirely separate philosophies that view the world in different ways, both use material analysis and both stand against capitalism, but that does not mean they share a common goal, or have common ancestry. Have you actually read any anarchist theory? Or just On Authority and Anarchism or Socialism?

    if a so-called anarchist advances politics that preserves capitalism

    This once again proves you have no idea what you’re talking about. Anti-marxist anarchists are treated as actual terrorists by the state and capitalism. They’re among the most militant anti-capitalist groups on earth. The italian FAI bombs prisons while the italian ML party writes about needing critical support for ISIS in a 1998 looking ass website. Not to bring up the FARJ and the anarchists in Iran literally risking their lives as we speak. But you, from the comfort of your chair, disregard them to delude yourself into thinking what makes you comfortable.

    But sure, carry on after talking to me, thinking you stand for left unity, and don’t worry your pretty little head about all of these groups and people that have done more against capitalism than you or I ever have. They’re not real, I assure you. They are surely just LARPing. You and the people you agree with are the one true and only based socialism bringers.

    • CyborgMarx [any, any]
      1 year ago

      They’re entirely separate philosophies that view the world in different ways, both use material analysis and both stand against capitalism, but that does not mean they share a common goal, or have common ancestry

      So not only do you have no clue about the history of anarchism and how it developed, but you clearly don’t know a thing about Marxism or socialism, or frankly I’m starting to suspect any -ism, you do realize you actually have to read history to be politically literate instead of working off nonsensical intuition based vibe politics

      Lets see how swallow your understanding really is, provide a simple definition of marxism and socialism

      This once again proves you have no idea what you’re talking about. Anti-marxist anarchists are treated as actual terrorists by the state and capitalism. They’re among the most militant anti-capitalist groups on earth

      Yeah no, anti-marxist groups have accomplished nothing but to solidify the control capitalist institutions have where ever they supplant a unified socialist movement, if your idea of “anarchism” is martyrdom and broken adventurism, then thanks for proving my point and revealing how swallow your understanding of history and radical politics is

      Not to bring up the FARJ and the anarchists in Iran literally risking their lives as we speak. But you, from the comfort of your chair, disregard them to delude yourself into thinking what makes you comfortable.

      So now you’re asserting anarchists in Iran of all places are railing against the “taNkiEs” on the regular, lmao you dumbass

        1 year ago

        I have nothing to prove to you, and it’s clear you aren’t listening and just repeating all the memorized talking points ingrained inside. Believe whatever you want.

        • CyborgMarx [any, any]
          1 year ago

          it’s clear you aren’t listening and just repeating all the memorized talking points ingrained inside

          projection as long as you insist on lifting your politics from memes and online posts, you’re always gonna remain confused

          Intuition is nothing without knowledge and theory to structure it