The police at London’s Luton airport worked through a list of questions. Did Broomfield consider his reporting to be objective? Did he include multiple sources in his work? How did he get paid? What was his opinion about beheadings, and did he ever send anybody a photo of a beheading? “Not answering the questions is a criminal offence, so I complied,” British journalist Matt Broomfield said about the questioning he was subject to in July. His laptop and phone were confiscated and he didn’t receive them back.

    1 year ago

    Seems they didn’t like the fact that he was reporting factually on the Kurds.

    Erdogan hates the Kurds and the EU has to keep Erdogan onside because he controls the isthmus which is the main passage from Asia into Europe. Turkey will never be formally accepted into the EU but is a member of NATO and the EU finds it expedient to keep paying him bribes because it fears a mass migration from the global south due to climate change.