Love the idea of skipping the store and still getting a great fit. I bought one of their shirts and it’s fine but nothing earth shattering. Once you have your shirt measurements I feel like online ordering from anywhere is pretty safe. Pants are a whole 'nother thing though. How do mtailor pants work out? Also what about their suits? I’ve found very little reviews / info about their suits. I kind of feel like I’m paying more for novelty than quality with this brand. Curious to hear from anyone with more experience with this service.

    11 months ago

    Online MTM in general is a crapshoot. They always advertise some magical technology where they can transform a photo of you into clothing that fits, and it’s not really a consistent way to do anything. It would be better to get measured in person, and if you want to shop online, find a maker who a. has a good return/remake policy and b. will take the measurements from your tailor. But your tailor (or whoever measures you) doesn’t have experience with the nuances of the MTM company’s system (or, rather, their factory’s system), so things will get lost in translation, so be prepared to have your stuff remade.

    Also, a lot of mtm brands are built around the novelty of a skintight fit. A skintight fit doesn’t actually look good. Be careful falling for that.