The Ferengi are hyper-capitalist exploiters who enslave women and Star Fleet not only allows this but does business with them
Yes, this is the nerdiest post I’ve made.
The Ferengi are hyper-capitalist exploiters who enslave women and Star Fleet not only allows this but does business with them
Yes, this is the nerdiest post I’ve made.
And it’s not as if the Federation doesn’t end up indirectly influencing Ferengi politics. By the end of DS9 the Grand Nagus is a Ferengi who, at the encouragement of Starfleet officers, had unionized and lead a strike against poor working conditions at the local bar in which he worked. He directly quoted Marx right to his brother’s face, even. A species that literally started out as a metaphor for capitalism and their leader ends up further to the left than any US president lmao.
Not to mention due his mother’s influence, :quark: females were finally allowed to wear clothes and go into business for themselves.
The “root beer” scene has always stood for what the Ferengi think about the Federation in my mind.
Thats a really neat scene. I love how they actually try and make the interaction seem inhuman.
It’s one of the few times you get a view of the Federation from two aliens.