The Catholic Church, abiding by the egregious misdeeds of monsters in the name of keeping the Holy Coffers filled?
Well, color me shocked.
How can you question this lovable face?
Also this one looks like it’s about 30 seconds before some kind of fucked up Dark Souls boss battle. Borderline nightmare fuel, in my opinion.
And finally, the first time you’ve seen a pope with cold sores probably.
Thank you for joining me.
I don’t understand why it matters what he looks like? Are you implying that someone’s physical appearance is a determining factor in their moral standing?
He’s a former Catholic pope. That he’s an evil piece of shit is pretty much a given. I found it interesting that he also happens to look so villainous, in addition to being so.
Probably not a cold sore, he’s a Catholic after all.
Not to defend a cristian- but coldsores are herpes, it’s just another word for the same thing and there is no specific genital variation of the virus.
And herpes/coldsores are transmissible from sharing cups and kissing and a lot of other forms of direct and indirect contact.
There are several forms of the herpes simplex virus, same virus different expressions (genitalis/labialis etc). Implying the sexually transmitted one was funnier.
Wait, wasn’t this already known?
Seconded. I’ve thought the Pope’s knowledge and support for Nazi Germany and the Holocaust was common knowledge. Feels like something I’ve known for thirty years, at least.
Maybe I just have a knack for the extremely obvious.
Hitler was a Catholic after all.
The catholic church has a decree against communism and socialism, to the point that you are excommunicated for being a socialist or communist.
It doesn’t have a decree against nazism and fascism.
Make of that what you will.
He was Pope from 2 March 1939 until his death in October 1958. So, yeah, he had eyes, yes?
I find it too easy to just shout he should’ve spoken up and condemned it. The catholics were also on the radar for persecution and his words and actions could have had very adverse effects for a large number of people. I’m sure he was appalled by this, but he had to walk a very difficult tight rope during the war. Catholic priests were being persecuted and sent to concentration camps as well, so this isn’t some speculation. Nazi ideology does not tolerate competition.His soft diplomacy was probably geared towards preventing as much harm as possible to catholics in the first place, which was a very large part of occupied Europe.
I don’t know the exact actions of Pius XII, but he was dealt an incredibly shitty hand and played it to the best of his abilities, which is all you could ever ask of someone in his position. It’s easy to say differently sitting comfortably in your chair, but when your actions can mean death or life for millions of people, you would be incredibly careful with your actions and words as well.
Of course they knew!
Paywalled, unfortunately.
Non-paywalled, different article about the same thing.
Thank you so much. That worked!
That’s weird. I didn’t see one. Maybe I had a desktop extension to remove them?