WhatsApp Channels will deliver a private way for people to receive updates that matter to them. We’re welcoming some of the biggest celebrities, sports teams, artists, creators that people can follow.
You mean they’re adding ads but it’s cool because we don’t have to click on them? You’re right, this will never be made more intrusive, and it’s definitely not an anti-feature.
What’s enshitty about this?
Nothing, OP just wanted an excuse to use the buzzword of current year
No, this is absolutely how it begins
Monetizing the app
I’m not seeing anything about monetization in this article, could you be more specific?
If you log into the app, you’ll see promoted content from celebrities and organizations. What do you think drives those promotions?
It’s either direct paid promotion, user data being sold to ad firms, or a combination.
Did you not read the article you posted yourself? You have to opt in to those channels.
You mean they’re adding ads but it’s cool because we don’t have to click on them? You’re right, this will never be made more intrusive, and it’s definitely not an anti-feature.
No. As I explained elsewhere, that’s not what I mean at all. Nice try.
I don’t use WhatsApp, I only have this article to go off of. You need to include more context with editorialized titles like this.