Fully Charged in Just 6 Minutes – Groundbreaking Technique Could Revolutionize EV Charging::Typically, it takes around 10 hours to charge an electric vehicle. Even with fast-charging techniques, you’re still looking at a minimum of 30 minutes – and that’s if there’s an open spot at a charging station. If electric vehicles could charge as swiftly as we refill traditional gas vehicles, it wo

  • set_secret@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    diesel is literally destroying the planet with both particulate and CO2. I’d factor that into the costs. I’d rather pay 200% more for electricity if it means we can sleep at night knowing I’m not poisoning the environment to drive around everyday. You can literally use solar panels to charge your car and batteries can be 99% efficiently recycled. yes tyre dust is still a huge problem we need to fix. but petrol and diesel need to die asap and not be considered as viable options.