I’ve used pretty much every distro under the sun since I started using Linux as my primary desktop in 2001. I’m actually running Garuda now on my laptop and main desktop machine and love it.
I think Garuda is rock solid stable (it’s Arch so of course it is). I haven’t found a software package not available easily.
Give it a try. If you don’t like it then try something else. Thats what makes Linux so great. There’s so many choices.
Was thinking of all the distros I’ve run over the years. I know this isn’t a complete list and not in any particular order…
I’ve used pretty much every distro under the sun since I started using Linux as my primary desktop in 2001. I’m actually running Garuda now on my laptop and main desktop machine and love it.
I think Garuda is rock solid stable (it’s Arch so of course it is). I haven’t found a software package not available easily.
Give it a try. If you don’t like it then try something else. Thats what makes Linux so great. There’s so many choices.
Was thinking of all the distros I’ve run over the years. I know this isn’t a complete list and not in any particular order…
and now Garuda.