• WingedSevenOPM
    1 year ago

    Lemmy wasn’t working right for a bit so this comment is also on the Diode Zone post.

    Yesterday had some ups and downs, but thankfully mostly ups. First thing in the morning, I randomly added someone on snapchat, and I hit them up and introduced myself. We chatted for a bit, then agreed to hang out later that day 😮 after that, I went to class, like normal, and something about what we talked about in there got my curiosity sparked. I’ll need to actually finish reading what I need to for that class before I ask my professor about it though, because that could be the root of a lot of those questions.

    After that, I went to the library to chill out, and I ran into an old friend! They were helping build some bookshelves in the main area. Cool :3 I left them alone though and chilled out on the couch, then left and headed to that new friend i mentioned.

    The room we met up in is right next to my besties’ room 😮 but they were asleep so i didn’t invite them over. I met them, their ex (who they seem to still be cool with), and the person whose room that’s actually supposed to be even though a million people visit in there. They’re all pretty cool! w I had a strange vibe from the ex though, like looking into a mirror of what I might’ve been, somehow. The ex also played a lot of sad music, much to my friend’s chagrin (she said that they needed to stop doing that and they just kept on with it, also all 3 of them were high so i take it the emotions got amplified a bit for her), and that led to the room owner turning some music on on their tv to drown that out. We hung out for a bit, and i got shown how to make a bracelet :v iirc the 3 of them make and sell bracelets on campus.

    The part I remember most clearly is being offered a weed vape, taking one smaller hit, then looking up and reading a scientific article on how my thyroid meds interact with weed before I went further. Fun fact, marijuana completely drowns out anything my thyroid meds do! So maybe I shouldn’t do that.

    After that is something that I’d rather not mention publicly. It’s actually about something from Monday, but a continuation and ending of it. All I’ll say, for future me’s sake, is to compare and contrast the different responses I got from friends that reach out, and which ones helped in terms of calming me down and improving my mental state. Also I should definitely share all of that with my therapist. ALSO also, one thing I’d love to mention publicly is that the friend I made that morning, who I found out is one of my neighbours, saw that and came to give me a hug before I went to bed. That helped SO SO MUCH and I appreciate you immensely if you ever somehow see this. I put a stick of gum in your doorframe, hope you enjoy it.

    I ended the day calm and collected, thanks to all of that. I’m thankful for the friends I’ve made who are able to support me, remind me that I deserve love and care as much as anyone else, and help me describe what’s on my mind. ❤️