Hi all, intuitively it seems to make sense to split different parts of code to different files, so it is easier to navigate and read.

For example to have separate files for servos, controllers and web which are included in the main code, and only variables are passed through.

And if this is a good practice, how do you deal with separation of setup and loop parts? I have not found reaources on this, so thinking to ask the community.

    • @dudenasOP
      28 months ago

      very interesting: so if you need a particular order of the loop, you controll it via filenames… Curious to try this out. Thanks!

      • Victoria
        38 months ago

        I don’t quite understand what you mean by “controlling the loop parts.” If you mean you have a giant loop() and want to split it into parts, i suggest you first extract these parts into seperate functions, which you can then move into other files. This allows you to keep your main file and it’s loop intact, and have descriptively named functions.

  • @tomjuggler@lemmy.world
    38 months ago

    Just dropping a quick vote for Platformio here. It’s a bit of a learning curve but they know how to organise code over there. Also VSCode will super power your coding experience. I used Arduino IDE for many years but almost completely switched now.

    Still using Arduino though! #include Arduino.h