The game is aggressively Bethesda but I’m enjoying the visuals and sniffing the 3d model of every insignificant bit of detritis in the world. I saw a very nice looking bowl, maybe THE bowl of all videogames. Other than that the narrative and main story has already lost my interest after about 10 minutes and I’ll be off being a space menace if the game will let me.

Once i found out I can travel using the ship in scanner mode it doesn’t feel like a map simulator anymore.

Also the chef having a perk for dueling tickles me.

Game also runs like shit on PC but digital foundry showed most settings being on medium yields good performance with no noticable quality loss.

  • Magusbear
    1 year ago

    That’s my biggest compaint and probably the reason I won’t put all that much time into the game. I can excuse a lot of things in a Bethesda game, like a boring main story with bad writing or subpar combat and shitty AI, even the over reliance on fast travel with loading screens, if there was actually something worth to explore.

    Between all the procedurally generated stuff I’m having a hard time finding interesting side quests or the kind environmental story telling I like so much from fallout and elder scrolls. Unfortunately I don’t care much for exploration if there isn’t something cool find. In Skyrim I would often stumble upon a weird or cool place on my way to a quest that turns out to be chock full of little stories. In starfield however I started to ignore most of the points of “interest” on the map because it’s almost always a bunch of same looking dudes in space suits with way too much hit points. No little stories, or at best an extremely boring radiant quest.

    And even the cities are pretty empty. Where Skyrim shines with it’s tight knit communities where NPCs know and (love/hate) each other in starfield you mostly deal with corporations and their workers. But even though these corpos are the epitome of liberal bs every worker just looooves working for them and is eager to tell me their history. And I as the player can only nod and ask for more.