Or was it Biden’s victory and liberal’s exhaustion with politics in a Trump-era world?

I can’t help but wonder if the presence of a Democrat in the presidency just sort of pacifies liberal, left, and radical mass movements and mobilization.

  • We are. Bernie running for president, and the galvanizing effect he had, were only possible by way of the material conditions of American capitalism in 2016-2020, and the social movements like Occupy, which preceded him.

    That doesn’t make him not important.

      • Oh, that I agree with. I disagree with OP that Bernie specifically “Ruined the possibility of mass movements”. We’re just in a liberal malaise where they’ve all gone back to brunch, while the world is still burning.

        That Said, petite bourgois liberals are hardly the core of many social movements. We ought to be looking to the colonized and oppressed people’s in this country to take us anywhere.