I’m not talking about hacks not being bannable, I’m talking about hause not patching entity speed hacks. In my opinion, a perfect 2b2t is one with all hacks patched.
All hacks patched would force players to come up with creative solutions for travelling needs and change combat significantly for the better. It would ruin many item sellers and might interfere with the vanilla gameplay itself depending on how the hacks are being dealt with. I’m personally not a fan of anything that makes gameplay a lot easier and shortens the exploration aspect to a minimum.
well i think its fine if everyone has them it is fair
Nah. I wish I could go on 2b2t and see great buildings and stuff and think “this was all built by hand”. Even with the threat of griefers.
I don’t think that would be sustainable. There would be too few buildings and too many griefs.
most hacks used on 2b2t are things like velocity, elytrafly, freecam, etc. They dont really change the game its mostly just minor changes to vanilla features that make things easier
and yes i agree that a perfect anarchy server would be a server without hacks but sadly 2b2t is not perfect
I think it’s a great thing. Hacking isn’t unfair in this case because everyone does it. It pushes the community to constantly come up with new hacks and ideas.
I think LiveOverflow did it even better. You can only join when you are a hacker yourself. I mean you need to write your own hacks. Also you need to write a portscanner to even find the server (if it’s even still online)
Now make a shooter where everyone Hacks
entity speed is patched, jesus is patched, many many game-breaking things that make 2b2t not vanilla are patched, the ones that aren’t are either because hause doesnt know how to patch or hes working on patching it.
Sorry, last I played there was a controversy about entity speed being allowed. I haven’t played 2b2t in a while.
Hacks are no longer allowed, the new anti-cheat makes it very hard. But at the same, it actually gives client developers to innovate and find a way to bypass it. It is now an arm’s race between the client devs and House Master, but it depends on if 2B2T can survive this crisis of economy reset