As children across the U.S. head back to classes and practices for fall sports, four more states are expecting their K-12 schools to keep transgender girls off their girls teams.

Kansas, North Dakota and Wyoming had new laws in place restricting transgender athletes before classes resumed, and a Missouri law takes effect at the end of this month, bringing the number of states with restrictions to 23.

    1 year ago

    They do that because they know they can push Progressives into some very awkward positions.

    They are pushing progressives into the corner. Painting them as being out of touch with the pain felt by regular folks. The pain felt by the masses and instead focus in on some teeny, tiny, exceedingly small fringe group.

    And it works!

    This highschool thing is just the latest issue. A couple of years ago Democrats were wasting countless hours and effort trying to help DACA people.

    Literally days before that topic hit the airwaves no one had heard of DACA and then all of a sudden they see Dems trying all these things to protect them. They’d try to get them healthcare. They’d trying to get them schooling.

    I’d hear rumblings at my lunchroom at work from people who would busting their ass to pay for their kids schooling and they’d hear that Dems were trying to get these non-citizen free school. When you put it that way, the general public WILL agree that Dems are out of touch with regular folks.

    Then some time before DAC or after DACA was the whole crisis at the border bullshit. Again, the GOP was able to successfully paint Democrats as caring more about foreigners than for the American people. It’s a bad look to have when the American people are the ones who keep you in power.

    Republicans are masters at finding ways to make Democrats look bad on topics that make Dems look like they don’t support middle America and it’s values.

    Stop the nonsense.

    When a plane is losing altitude, the warning message doesn’t say to help your neighbor put on a breathing mask first. No. It says to put on your OWN mask first before you can help anyone else. Dems are constantly trying to help their neighbor all while they themselves lose key support amongst the people that can keep them in power.