4 is such an arbitrary low number, like I know it’s multiplayer but cmon, theres absolutely no room for npcs in a human party. Also what’s the point of locking the appearance of the hirelings if they don’t get a backstory? Pillars of eternity 2 let you create custom party members and they had custom made companions that werent like full party members but some of them actually talked.
I know mods can fix this but I would really like to just be able to create 4 custom characters at the start even if im not playing multiplayer. Also maybe let us change the race and appearances of the hirelings if they gonna be blank slates.
All of them whine when you bench them too
Like dude you have 1 hp left and no spells slots left, see you tmr
Wait, you can swap companions out to help pad out time until needing to long rest?
Yea but you cant swap out ur main character
I never thought about doing this - I have way too many camp supplies. Granted, swapping in a backup divine caster might be useful.