Like a lot of things, the original idea was a pretty good one. But, the original idea wasn’t compatible with profit-seeking at all costs, or the mindsets and habits of a crew of remarkably dim members of the managerial class who had to put it all into practice. And so, the original idea got thrown in the bin, and replaced with a tradition of remarkably dim one-hour seminars which accomplish nothing at all beyond wasting an afternoon every now and then, and prejudicing people vaguely against the still-pretty-good original idea, which remains in the bin, still in its original packaging, unopened.
I am done playing some parasites games. I value my time now too much to have to hear some idiot talk down to me on behalf of the guy who sexually harasses women and minorities while refusing to promote me into executive role
Like a lot of things, the original idea was a pretty good one. But, the original idea wasn’t compatible with profit-seeking at all costs, or the mindsets and habits of a crew of remarkably dim members of the managerial class who had to put it all into practice. And so, the original idea got thrown in the bin, and replaced with a tradition of remarkably dim one-hour seminars which accomplish nothing at all beyond wasting an afternoon every now and then, and prejudicing people vaguely against the still-pretty-good original idea, which remains in the bin, still in its original packaging, unopened.
Boomers sexually harrased women
I do a sexual harassment training
Boomer does racist shit
I do anti racism training
Boomers only hired whites into exec rules
I do DEI training
I am done playing some parasites games. I value my time now too much to have to hear some idiot talk down to me on behalf of the guy who sexually harasses women and minorities while refusing to promote me into executive role