… content from the CDC’s Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System, which includes data from a national survey, has disappeared; so have parts of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry’s Social Vulnerability Index and the Environmental Justice Index. The CDC’s landing page for HIV data has also vanished. And the agency’s AtlasPlus tool, which contains nearly 20 years of CDC surveillance data on HIV, hepatitis, sexually transmitted infections, and tuberculosis, is down.

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  • sumguyonline@lemmy.world
    1 day ago

    Trump was definitely the kind of kid that hid his trash behind his built into the wall shelves, and never got busted for it… He seriously thinks if we simply don’t know about a virus, we won’t be concerned with it, forget all the people dying, forget the over flowing ER’s, there is no new virus threatening the world… Dudes seriously worse than just dim. He should have learned his lesson and made sure disease control was in tip top shape… After all, wet markets still exist around the globe… Covid part 2 ain’t some pie in the sky impossibility. He dumb. People might die because of it.