Link to video (crash is the lights on the bottom). Obviously trigger warning for a mass casualty event.
Link to video (crash is the lights on the bottom). Obviously trigger warning for a mass casualty event.
The silence on who was in the chopper is interesting. Edit (chopper involved in the crash was a U.S. Army Blackhawk helicopter carrying three people)
When Trump was first president they had that Vegas shooting in which the Saudis were suspiciously whisked away as the shooting happened in the Saudi owned 4 seasons.
Trump should have been impeached tried with treason over that and the weapons deals with the Saudis in the first place. The whole thing was covered up. Dems would never do that because they are also weapons dealing terrorist arming zionazis and it would implicate themselves as well. So you had a decade of thumb twiddling and Madcow’s Red Scare walls are closing in and now
That Vegas shooting is the only mass shooting I’m conspiracy brained about.
where could i read about it, that even was memory holed pretty fast.