Roe v Wade “race”? Does that refer to the 49 years during which nobody did anything to enshrine that right? Slowest race I’ve ever seen.
49 years of two party politics.
That’s the danger of protecting rights only by judicial doctrine. It forestalls actual legislative attempts to create protections.
Foregoing litigation and waiting around for a legislature without any protections would have been much more dangerous. People were right to bring Onergefell, Roe, Brown, and a lot of other civil rights cases to the court and the court was right to rule on them the way they did. We just should have found a way to make the court less stupid about campaign finance so we could get a legislature that would finish what those cases started.
But for cases like Reed v. Reed and Craig v. Boren chilled the ratification we would have gotten Obergefell three decades earlier.
And “waiting around for a legislature” isn’t the alternative. Civic engagement is.
I will continue to eat and fuck ass no matter what.
Not all heroes wear capes.
Man these sodomy laws are a pain in the ass.
Ah, it sounds like you need more lube.
in four years we get to vote if we get that but for now the populace has spoken. no lube.
The Almighty Creator of all things, capable of doing anything at any time in any way… messed up. He was aghast. Butt stuff?! What was his creation doing?! It literally hadn’t been more than 2 minutes. And so, God checked out long ago.
Now we have climate change. Super hurricanes. Pat Roberton was right. The gays!!!
I mean, we have no choice. These no butt stuff laws are literally holding the fury of nature back and saving lives!