You know the book is old enough to be in the public domain nowadays, and you can legally download a copy of it using the same device they use for watching those videos, right?
I understand, but my point is that it really doesn’t take any more effort or dedication than going to the library does. In fact, it’s certainly no more difficult than looking up videos of animal cruelty (at least I don’t exactly just see them being suggested to me randomly).
Animal cruelty maybe not, but I know a few friends who get randomly shown car crashed and combat recordings and the like. I agree with your sentiment for the most part, but I think the real point is that books that should be required reading for young minds are being banned, while the majority of young people are on sites that will show you all kinds of crazy shit to keep you scrolling
You know the book is old enough to be in the public domain nowadays, and you can legally download a copy of it using the same device they use for watching those videos, right?
I get where you’re coming from, but that isn’t the point
I can only surmise the point here is a fact-free circlejerk completely lacking in humor or self-awareness?
I completely believe that’s the only thing you can surmise
Do the kids know that?
There are several links to free, legal copies at the bottom of the book’s Wikipedia page.
Also, if you type “1984” into YouTube, the first result is this full audiobook recording. It’s really not difficult to find.
If you’re dedicated you can find anything. That’s not the point though.
I understand, but my point is that it really doesn’t take any more effort or dedication than going to the library does. In fact, it’s certainly no more difficult than looking up videos of animal cruelty (at least I don’t exactly just see them being suggested to me randomly).
Animal cruelty maybe not, but I know a few friends who get randomly shown car crashed and combat recordings and the like. I agree with your sentiment for the most part, but I think the real point is that books that should be required reading for young minds are being banned, while the majority of young people are on sites that will show you all kinds of crazy shit to keep you scrolling