I’m having issues getting the app to behave in a predictable manner with regards to localization.

For reference, my system locales are:

  1. en_SE
  2. sv_SE
  3. es_ES

With this locale setup, I expect my apps to be presented in English whenever possible. However, Summit defaults to Swedish under these circumstances. I tried overriding the locale in the app settings and setting it to en_GB, which is a slight improvement, but the app seems to “forget” the setting after a while being backgrounded and reverts to Swedish. Occasionally, the List-screen is in English, but Detail-screens are in Swedish.

Finally, when using this overridden locale, the keyboard also defaults to en_GB, while I prefer my keyboard to always follow the default locale whenever possible. I’m not sure if this is something overridden in the app or if it’s caused by the temporary override I have on language in the app, but I figured it should be mentioned.