My psych is letting me try ADHD meds without getting neuropsych testing after all, which is great because that shit’s expensive. Wish me luck getting it filled with the shortage and everything. I really hope it helps! I’m tired of being overwhelmed all the time and unable to focus on what I want to focus on.

Update: Day one on Adderall 10mg - It’s a little too early to tell, but it might feel a little bit easier to focus on stuff. I don’t feel “wired” or anything, and I’m still getting hungry as usual. My heart might be beating a little faster, which I was told to expect.

      2 years ago

      For real. It’s funny cause in the case OP ever has to go through a withdrawal or an accidental withdrawal based on not being able to get their prescription, outside of withdrawal effects, they’ll feel so hungry without that stimulant!