Without immigration, the U.S. population will shrink starting in 2033 in part “because fertility rates are projected to remain too low for a generation to replace itself,” the Congressional Budget Office said.
The reduced projections from last year were the results of a decline in projected fertility rates over 30 years from 1.70 births per woman to 1.60 births per woman and less immigration because of an executive order last June that temporarily suspends asylum processing at the border when U.S. officials deem they are overwhelmed, the budget office said. Replacement happens at a rate of 2.1 births per woman.
Well you guys made everyone poor and want to kick out all the people that wanna move here. You’d rather dismantle planned parenthood to force people to have more babies instead of actually give them an incentive to have babies.
A lot of people don’t even need incentives, they just need things to not be shit.
What you call “things are shit” is just an incentive to not have babies.
“You guys”? I didn’t vote for the orange guy, just like I’m assuming you didn’t.
I mean “you guys” as in the people in charge of everything that keep removed about birthrates. My b
No worries, we’re all frustrated right now.