homeless on public land loved this trick until they were ruled subhuman for surviving
Just be careful. I tried this trick at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500 but a bunch of jerks in suits carried me away.
Doesn’t work everywhere unfortunately.
Sounds like you did it wrong, that kind of thing gets pardoned these days
I usually carry around a large cross I can lay down in the event of such a need.
I don’t get it but I like it
I bring my own proper t wherever I go
Tried it at the Jersey Mike’s in Trenton back in 2021. Did not work.
I tried this, but the SS agents just won’t back off.
Don’t they know I pay taxes? I own this property. Heck, I even pay their salary. I’m literally their boss!
I yell that all the time on my own property and no one seems to care. Buying a house next to a park was totally not worth it lol
Was thinking that yesterday, you could probably put on a shirt, walk into a store, find a random damaged product and a nearby customer, and tell them “Excuse me, sir, you just damaged this item and need to pay for it”, and then they’d be like “No, I didn’t”, and you’d respond “Sir, we’ve got cameras around the place, there’s no point in denying it”. And eventually, they might either pay for it or you could tell them to not come back.
Probably only works, if no employees are around the place. 🙃
Lol no. Absolutely no one would pay for something they know they were nowhere near, much less damaged. As for the latter scenario, they’ll ask to speak to the manager, then the Store Director, then the District Manager, then the Regional Manager, then…
Source: I worked retail.