Please don’t violate LW’s ToS. Be aware of what you’re posting publicly. This is not a bar with your friends. This is the internet where things are recorded forever and can possibly link back to you/us with consequences. It’s not that hard to express yourself without breaking the rules.
Please don’t violate LW’s ToS. Be aware of what you’re posting publicly. This is not a bar with your friends. This is the internet where things are recorded forever and can possibly link back to you/us with consequences. It’s not that hard to express yourself without breaking the rules.
What did they do that broke ToS? It looks like the post may have been edited
Nothing yet. I’m just hoping people think a little before they do things to get banned/removed. The rules are for everyone’s benefit.
This is a post that will rightfully make people angry.
EvErYoNe’s BeNeFiT
The greater good
Yeah, it turns out threats of terrorism can look bad for you if they’re ever uncovered.
Ohhhh. That makes more sense now. Thank you for clarifying :)