I am new to emacs (I made a commitment to getting used to linux) & currently intimidated Can you help me out here?
Has anyone here configured Emacs for:
- Shell-scripting
- Markdown
- Rust
Don’t know where to start (I do know the bare-min basics on using Emacs as a text-editor)
If you’re new(ish) to Emacs, I would strongly suggest using a kit like Doom Emacs. It sets up some modern defaults, and makes it far, far simpler to set up a good environment for whatever languages you want. And the wonderful thing is that you can keep using Doom!
Are you sure a newbie-like me should be using doom-emacs ?
Yes. It makes configuring Emacs a whole lot simpler than vanilla Emacs.
Yes, you should absolutely go with DOOM Emacs.
I’m also an Emacs newb (been using it for 1 year). DOOM made getting into Emacs actually approachable.
Good luck on your journey!