I thought sampling still required them to get permission?
Took me longer than it should have to realise who the interviewers are.
For those equally confused: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTdOHBIppx8
I guess it ages me that I got who the interviewers were right away but had no idea who the DJ is.
I knew both because I’m right in the sweet spot baby
To be fair, I only know of DJ Khaled from things that make fun of him for being low effort.
To add - his episode of Hot Ones makes it absolutely clear that he’s just a bullshit-ass person, his “musical career” is a symptom more than anything.
He looked like the biggest removed on that episode haha
I left that episode feeling like this is the kinda dude that had his ass wiped for him til he was 9 or 10.
Same, and even though he’s name checked in the cartoon and this thread, I still have no idea who he is…
He’s the guy from the ‘another one’ memes is about as far as I know
Looked him up, he apparently won a Grammy for this in 2022:
I really can’t tell what he contributed there…
You’re a Michael Bolton fan as well?
I hate that no-talent assclown - why should I change my name, he’s the one who sucks!
that’s a very young Loudermilk
Wait, does he not even produce the beats anymore? Wow… His last useful quality. Now all he’s got is removed out of Hot Ones.
Dj Khaled is kind of the posterchild for egotistical dickhead, I will never dispute this. However, his skill is bringing talent together and he is pretty damn good at it. He’s more like a movie producer/casting director than a music producer in how he does business. He hears a beat, thinks “Who would destroy on this?” Buys the beat, Makes some phone calls, gets some artists onboard to do a verse, pays the artists for their work, mixes the track or pays a producer who he thinks has skills to do it for him and releases it.
He is the child of Palestinian immigrants and built himself his dream job and is worth an estimated 70 million, have a look at his wikipedia for the sheer number of awards he has been nominated for… Talentless hacks cant do that. Raging egomaniacs with annoying personalities sure can tho.
So the Kanye model
Did he ever? From what I understood, the “DJ” in his name just comes from his time as a radio DJ or whatever.
At least he still has his guitar skills
OP kept the attribution. I feel like you could have posted the link but not the image
That was hilarious.
Tipper Gore has still got it!