dude get a fucking grip, we weren’t all born in 1904. i work hard, but i couldn’t even dream to make 3 cans of beanis per week. i’m lucky to get a quarter of a can. now imagine trying to fill that 55 gallon drum a qaurter of a can at a time, WHILE NEEDING TO SURVIVE OFF THAT QUARTER OF A CAN, meaning there’s 0 beanis left at the end of the week to even try and put in the drum. every one of my friends has an empty 55 gallon drum and a wallet that’s dryer than a tin can fresh off the assembly line. but you fucking boomers don’t ever consider that, you just think we’re putting all our beans on toast and being frivolous with it. WE AREN’T GETTING ANY BEANS. I’M TIRED.
Imagine having a wallet full of wet beans when you can instead invest in my all digital currency, BeanisCoin
BeanisCoin is impractical for day-to-day bean transactions.
exbeanential growth is something the human brain can’t even begin to comprehend
I know about bean soaking
This is not a Mormon forum
It’s why Beanus Christ spoke out against beanlenders.
That’s where you’re wrong bucko. See all you have to do for a BeanisCoin transaction is log into your account at chapo dot chat and post a beanis, like this That was me giving you one BeanisCoin for free as a trial!
the generosity on this site never ceases to amaze
yeah ok im gonna go down to the egg store, pull a bone dry wallet out and say “um do u take beanis on my screen???” they’re going to laugh me out of the egg store. what are you talking about? beaniscoin? buddy if i cant feel the juice dripping thru my fingers then it aint real beanis aka it’s WORTHLESS. take a basic beanonomics course liberal
The exchange rate of BeanisCoin to EggDollar is better than you might think
This is uhhhhhhhhh bourgeois decadence
We woke up one morning and fell a little further down -
For sure it’s the valley of death
I open up my wallet
And it’s full of beans
Three cans?! And you deny the existence of the labean aristrocracy?! Outrageous.
I’m on the F.I.R.E. lifestyle with my 55g. (Fill it Really Expeditiously). PRO TIP: you can fill it a little bit faster if you have a side cousin who will trade you a bottle of BBQ sauce for an eighth can. It can make your drum a little soupy but honestly I kinda like that. It’s the compromise that works for me anyway. @godlessworm@hexbear.net you should try.
wow this is a great tip. my cousin has even fewer beanis than i do, so i can take advantage of that in our deal and get even more sauce for less beanis. don’t judge me tho, that’s just the nature of the cuthroat beaninomic system we live under
It’s a bean eat sauce world out there that’s for sure.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
I wamt some hot, soft beanis. For eating
this thumbnail is some seriously Cronenberg shit. at full size you can tell what it is but as a postage stamp it looks like gore