My cat has asthma and I’m getting incredibly frustrated with everything. I want her to be ok and the constant asthma attackes despite treatment and vet “supervision” are also incredibly trying and I literally can’t think or have any peace for any extended amount of time in the midst of this never ending storm

I tried inhaled corticosterioids (fluticasone) with rescue (ventolin) for over 2 months using the special brand name cat inhaler AeroKat without any effect on the constant asthma attacks.

She’s currently on prednisolone mixed with liquid cat treat which seemed to work for a bit but its been like 2 months and she’s basically at square one again :(

Running out of ideas and I’m curious about those who have found success i managing this and what that looks like day to day. I swear to god, I’m losing my mind over this and the like 1000-1500 ive spent not to mention untold hours thinking about this

Thinking of demanding or switching vets to get:

  • daily prednisolone
  • 3-4 month supply of prednisolone PER REFILL not every fucking month for half the month
  • Christian
    1 month ago

    When I got my first cat about ten years ago I was young, naïve, and stupid enough to think paying monthly for pet insurance was a good idea and when she developed asthma two years later they said it was a pre-existing condition so they wouldn’t cover any treatment. Ended up giving her up since we were barely getting by as-is, I still feel ashamed.