Should probably buy a company or tons of shares in companies, and use as much as possible of the profits acquired to just fund a communist party. You’ll be hated by some (oh no, a billionaire supports that party so everyone leave!), but hire people full time to work on advancing the project/building a good party. I’d even hire some consultants to try to improve how it works. They’re just business mercenaries, they’ll do anything for money, and do it well for extra money
And you’ll definitely have enough extra to fund really fun parties for all involved/everyone you want to invite.
A billion dollar would be very helpful in advancing socialist networks, after all striking workers need money still and comrades on the run need shelter too.
Should probably buy a company or tons of shares in companies, and use as much as possible of the profits acquired to just fund a communist party. You’ll be hated by some (oh no, a billionaire supports that party so everyone leave!), but hire people full time to work on advancing the project/building a good party. I’d even hire some consultants to try to improve how it works. They’re just business mercenaries, they’ll do anything for money, and do it well for extra money
And you’ll definitely have enough extra to fund really fun parties for all involved/everyone you want to invite.
A billion dollar would be very helpful in advancing socialist networks, after all striking workers need money still and comrades on the run need shelter too.
I wanna be hired by a communist party