It might actually be a good thing that a fundamental part of reactionary identity has become chronic food poisoning and munching on bleach and heavy metals.
A fascist worked out licked the Elephant’s Foot today, what did you do? (I ate a bunch of beans and rice like a normal person)
it is not a good thing when it’s their kids who suffer the most. that baby didn’t choose to be born from reactionary dipshits, but it will most likely suffer greatly because of it. grown adults shitting their pants from raw milk and a meat only diet? cool, good, love it. their unvaxxed indoctrinated kids contracting botulism? much less cool imo
It might actually be a good thing that a fundamental part of reactionary identity has become chronic food poisoning and munching on bleach and heavy metals.
A fascist
worked outlicked the Elephant’s Foot today, what did you do? (I ate a bunch of beans and rice like a normal person)it is not a good thing when it’s their kids who suffer the most. that baby didn’t choose to be born from reactionary dipshits, but it will most likely suffer greatly because of it. grown adults shitting their pants from raw milk and a meat only diet? cool, good, love it. their unvaxxed indoctrinated kids contracting botulism? much less cool imo
that’s totally fair and I’ll sit down now