Not particularly sterile, just sanitary. Grain starter needs to be pasteurized, trich needs to be removed from bulk spawn.
I know lemmy hates reddit but r/unclebens will get anyone on the road to growing their own scooby snax. (Legal in Colorado, check local codes and laws, no refunds under any circumstances, do not removed to me if you get busted)
in most places it’s legal to buy and have the mycelium itself but it’s illegal to let it grow
so many online shops that very clearly are not for scientists with a lil disclaimer somewhere saying “please do not make drugs out of this, this is purely for looking at through a microscope for all the amateur mycologists :))))”
Not particularly sterile, just sanitary. Grain starter needs to be pasteurized, trich needs to be removed from bulk spawn.
I know lemmy hates reddit but r/unclebens will get anyone on the road to growing their own scooby snax. (Legal in Colorado, check local codes and laws, no refunds under any circumstances, do not removed to me if you get busted)
in most places it’s legal to buy and have the mycelium itself but it’s illegal to let it grow
so many online shops that very clearly are not for scientists with a lil disclaimer somewhere saying “please do not make drugs out of this, this is purely for looking at through a microscope for all the amateur mycologists :))))”